
Monday, November 17, 2014

What is Pro-GMO? | Skepti-Forum

What is Pro-GMO? Is it the opposite of Anti-GMO?

That is an interesting question. When I hear that someone is “pro” something, I think of advocates that pursue an expansion of their cause. Pro-Vaccine advocates want to see more folks vaccinate, Pro-Life people want to restrict or eliminate abortion, and the Pro-Choice movement wants to ensure that women have control over their own health care choices. All of these groups actively promote their interests.

We humans like to split things into black and white opposing camps but that mold doesn’t fit well on the GMO debate. The anti-GMO folks are a movement out to promote their agenda. They have successfully put initiatives on the ballot in multiple U.S. states. Lets not forget about the March Against Monsanto, which has international participation. Shouldn’t the Pro side be a counter movement? Where are the cheerleaders promoting more GMOs? I am speaking to large-scale efforts. I know there are nuanced voices on either side and that there are folks that promote the greater use of bioengineering in agriculture, but I wouldn’t say those folks have generated a large publicly active advocacy movement...

@ What is Pro-GMO? | Skepti-Forum:

The Pundit's thoughts: The Anti-s tend to sue people who label them Anti-GMO.

Those labelled as pro-GMO by the anti's tend to just grimace briefly... It's a more nuanced approach I guess.

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