
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Inconvenient Toxicology Truths Part 3. The sky is not falling and neither are sperm counts.

Endocrine disruptors and falling sperm counts: lessons learned or not! 

The linked review article cited below from an Asian medical journal  is new wrinkle on a familiar story to GMO Pundit readers.

In it Stephen Safe sums up the lack of progress in the European hormone-like chemical contamination debates despite major scientific controversies generating being put to rest by accumulation of evidence and hard-nosed analysis. This controversial area of debate has gathered various chemicals which have weak estrogen-like properties --  such as the plastic ingredient Bisphenol A --- as subjects of intense scrutiny lasting some two decades. Bisphenol A (also called BPA) has become demonised.

Once a chemical is seen to be evil, it remains evil for ever in the morality driven forums of activist motivated debate.

Steady scientific progress has let BPA off the hook. But instead of hard evidence leading to a quietening of worries about BPA and similar chemicals, deep seated dislike of chemicals among several environmentalist activism groups just morphed into new avenues of speculative worry.

In the article Stephen Safe says this :
In summary, it has become evident that multiple factors can affect sperm counts and quality. Most reports indicate that there has not been a worldwide decrease in sperm counts over the past 20 or 50 years, and the validity of the endocrine disruptor hypothesis or testicular dysgenesis syndrome with respect to sperm counts is highly questionable...
...One of the key missing ingredients in the endocrine disruptor hypothesis has been the lack of any correlations between sperm count changes and in utero exposure to estrogenic compounds.
From @ Stephen Safe. Endocrine disruptors and falling sperm counts: lessons learned or not!:

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