
Thursday, March 27, 2014

GM crops, organic farming can coexist, says US Farm Bureau - Farm Weekly

...ABCA hits back

Following dissent and division over GM crops continuing in Australia, the Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia (ABCA) hit back, using the recent annual ‘Science Meets Parliament’ week in Canberra to launch a new publication designed to deliver science-based information on GM crops, “to contribute to a more informed national discussion about agricultural technologies”.

ABCA says the publication, The Official Australian Reference Guide to Agricultural Biotechnology and GM Crops, provides a comprehensive overview of agricultural biotechnology in Australia and answers common questions about GM crops.

“The guide also presents information on coexistence in farming and the on-farm management practices and systems currently in place that maintain the integrity of both GM and non-GM crops,” ABCA said.

In his speech to the science forum, Opposition leader Bill Shorten said, “I believe that every policy challenge Australia currently faces will benefit from a more scientific focus – and more scientific input”.

He said new ideas were needed for farming and food security, “working with cutting edge and productivity-creating technology… (and) new ideas for our environment - shaped by a recognition of the scientific consensus, not some ideological repudiation of it”.

Australia’s organic criteria 'inconsistent'

Commenting on the USDA report, CropLife Australia CEO Matthew Cossey said organic and modern farming systems “do exist side-by-side in Australia, as they do in the rest of the world”.

Mr Cossey said long-standing systems and process were in place to manage coexistence of farming. However, he said, the organic industry’s “self-appointed” zero-tolerance marketing criteria for GM “promotes high-risk farming practices in the hunt for premium prices”.

“It is Australia’s organic criteria that are inconsistent with the rest of the world and threaten Australia’s agricultural harmony that has been enjoyed for so long,” he said.

“Any discussion about agricultural biotechnology and the use of GM crops must be based on science and evidence, not just the loudest voices...

@ GM crops, organic farming can coexist, says US Farm Bureau - Agriculture - Cropping - General News - Farm Weekly:

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