
Friday, November 07, 2014

The Ten Thousand Chestnut Challenge.

You can help bring back the American chestnut tree!
After 25 years of intense research, SUNY-ESF scientists have announced they are now able to grow blight-resistant American chestnut trees. This is a monumental accomplishment! The chestnut blight wiped out some 4 billion trees in the early 20th century, virtually eliminating the iconic American chestnut tree from the American forest.  
Over the next five years, our goal is to grow ten thousand blight-resistant American chestnut trees to jumpstart the effort to restore the tree to its native range in North America. Take action right now and help us start off strong! By making a tax deductible contribution (federal tax ID: 15-6023443) to our project, and by sharing this challenge with your friends and colleagues, you can join our team and help us begin the challenge of actually growing ten thousand blight-resistant trees.

Kickoff Challenge announcement - Dale L. Travis (ESF class of '59) has made a challenge donation and challenges all ESF alumni and friends to join the Ten Thousand Chestnut Challenge, and see the impact of their contributions of any amount doubled - for the next $5,000 in new contributions !
Go Here for the Fundly Challenge and Donate!

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