
Sunday, September 07, 2014

GMOs: An Introduction | GMO Building Blocks

illustrations by Leah Zins | LZ Graphic Design 
Marc Brazeau provides a smooth entree:

The debate around GMOs has heated up and people are looking for answers. For those new to the issue, that can be very difficult to do with confidence. As someone who has waded through every aspect of the discussion, I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned, some important things to keep in mind, and some tools for assessing the information and misinformation that will be flying fast and furious around the island.

What people refer to as Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, are crops bred with the most sophisticated breeding technology. In this context, genetic modification happens when breeders take the specific trait that they want from one plant or organism and transfer it to another plant. Or it can be as simple as slightly changing how a single protein in a given plant expresses itself, as in the case of the Arctic Apple which is an apple that has been bred to resist browning after it’s been cut.

Without a little a basic botany, genetics, and history, it can be an intimidating technology. In their proper context, it’s clear that GMOs represent an important advancement in agriculture. Let’s start at the beginning...

@ GMOs: An Introduction | GMO Building Blocks:

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