Andrew Kniss analysing the Seralini data. July 2014
Anyone interested in the GMO debate has probably heard about the Seralini paper that I criticized a while back. That paper was eventually retracted by the original journal, and it has now been re-published in a different journal. There are quite a few articles describing the background, so I won’t get into those details. I suggest reading recent pieces at Retraction Watch or Grist if you want to get the background information...
...I’ve re-created Seralini’s Figure 6 from the article , but I’ve used color and added the 95% confidence intervals for each treatment. The solid lines are the same as those included by Seralini (except decreasing survival instead of increasing mortality), and the dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence intervals for each treatment. The thing to notice is that the confidence intervals for all treatments (dotted colored lines) surround the control group (thick black line). The data Seralini provided simply doesn’t support a link between GMOs or Roundup laced diet and premature death. This doesn’t mean that the diets had no effect; it is certainly possible that the GMO or Roundup diets caused Females to die earlier (or even that the GMO diets caused males to live longer). What this means is that the mortality data provided by Seralini are simply not powerful enough to draw any conclusions one way or the other. Which is basically the same problem many folks identified with this study early on, even without the data in hand.
More @ Seralini Rat Study Revisited | Control Freaks:
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