
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Neuroskeptic: The 9 Circles of Scientific Hell

Neuroskeptic hits a home run:
"Dante's Inferno: a classic of world literature, the definitive statement of the mediaeval Christian world-view, the first major work in the Italian language, and the basis for a violent videogame. The poem offers a tour through the nine increasingly horrible levels of Hell, in which sinners are tormented forever.

But Dante lived before the era of modern science. I thought I'd update his scheme to explain what happens to those guilty of various scientific sins, ranging from the commonplace to the shocking.

Bear in mind that Dante's Hell had a place for everyone, and it was only Christ's intervention that saved anyone from it; even "good" people went to Hell because everyone sins. But they are still sins. Likewise, very few scientists (and I'm certainly not one of them) would be able to avoid being condemned to some level of this Inferno... but, that's no excuse....
But Dante lived before the era of modern science. I thought I'd update his scheme to explain what happens to those guilty of various scientific sins, ranging from the commonplace to the shocking.
Bear in mind that Dante's Hell had a place for everyone, and it was only Christ's intervention that saved anyone from it; even "good" people went to Hell because everyone sins. But they are still sins. Likewise, very few scientists (and I'm certainly not one of them) would be able to avoid being condemned to some level of this Inferno... 
but, that's no excuse..."

Go there, or go to Hell @ Neuroskeptic: The 9 Circles of Scientific Hell:

But to go to Heaven then try:

Perspectives on Psychological Science November 2012

Table of Contents

November 2012; 7 (6)

Special Section on Replicability in Psychological Science: A Crisis of Confidence?

Special Section on Research Practices

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