
Thursday, November 01, 2012

Daisy the Cow and Anonymous Pig Point to Increased Accuracy in Genetic Modification

Considerable effort has gone into genetic modification to improve livestock in countless ways. As is the case with all budding technologies, the results have sometimes been mixed, often unpredictable, and occasionally even surprising. But with practice comes perfection eventually and while scientists are still far from possessing perfected techniques, they are getting better in practice. Two animals in particular are pointing to increased accuracy in genetic engineering with undoubtedly more to come.

The first of the two is a cow named Daisy that produces allergen-free milk. Specifically the milk lacks an allergy-inducing protein, beta-lactoglobulin, which is responsible for causing problematic and dangerous diarrhea and vomiting in children. Human milk does not contain the protein which is one of a gazillion reasons human milk is better for children and babes than cow’s milk. The problem is that human milk is not available to all children for numerous reasons making cow’s milk a necessity in infant survival especially...

Daisy the Cow and Anonymous Pig Point to Increased Accuracy in Genetic Modification:

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